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At Cowboy State Bank in Ranchester and Sheridan, we have bank account services to assist you in avoiding overdraft charges. We understand the frustration of being charged an overdraft fee when you don’t have money in the first place so we want to help you avoid that frustration. Ask any of our staff for additional information on the following solutions:

Automated Savings Transfers

You can set up automated transfers from your savings account to your checking account to cover overdrafts. Transfers are normally in $20 increments. Of course, there has to be sufficient funds in the savings account to transfer and regulations limit savings account transfers to six (6) per month. But this is the simplest way to address potential overdrafts.

Ready Reserve Overdraft Line

You can apply for a Ready Reserve Overdraft Line of Credit. This bank account service from our Sheridan and Ranchester financial institutions is effectively a loan that is drawn on to cover overdrafts in your checking account. Approval of the Ready Reserve is subject to a review of your credit. The Ready Reserve is only a safety net to the extent there are available funds. That is, if your Ready Reserve is fully extended, it will not protect you from future overdrafts. It is important that you pay off or pay down the Ready Reserve as quickly as possible each time it is used so it is available to cover future overdrafts.

Online Banking

You can have the same electronic access to your accounts that we at the bank have if you are signed up for Online Banking. You simply log in to your accounts using your computer (any computer) and you can check balances, transfer money between accounts, see what checks have cleared, and look at the details of checks and deposits cleared (front and back). Be aware that your online bank balances do not reflect any outstanding checks that have not cleared or ATM withdrawals or debit card transactions processed since 4:00 p.m. the prior day.

Mobile Banking

Using the Cowboy State Bank Mobile Banking App, you can now check account balances on your Smartphone, laptop or iPad. Mobile Banking from our Sheridan and Ranchester banks allows you to check balances, transfer money between accounts and pay bills using your Smartphone. Be aware that your online bank balances do not reflect any outstanding checks that have not cleared, nor ATM withdrawals, nor debit card transactions processed since 4:00 p.m. the prior day.


The Bank will send you phone text alerts and/or email alerts of your account balances each day if you wish. Or you can simply sign up for Low Balance Alerts which inform you if the account falls below a certain balance, say $50. eAlerts can also be used to notify you of large deposits and charges to your account, again letting you know that your balances might be lower than expected. You must be enrolled in online banking to get eAlerts, but you don’t need to have a computer. We can sign you up and help you set the eAlerts. You will need a phone that accepts text messages or an email account you check daily, however, to get the eAlerts.

Bill Pay

Using the Free Bill Pay system helps you control your checking account balances by controlling when payments are taken out of your account. With online bill pay as a part of our Ranchester and Sheridan bank account services, the check amounts are charged to your account the day you specify. You don’t have to worry about the float on a check you’ve written or when a service provider will hit your account with a pre-authorized charge. You control your payments.


Go Green and have your statements delivered to you electronically. No more printed statements to file. File the electronic statements or access them at the bank for your tax records. Complete access to copies of checks (both front and back). If interested, click here to sign up for Electronic Statements online or ask one of our Ranchester and Sheridan bank account services staff to switch your account.